Oh, why you gawp so sad?

Tears are in your eyes

Come on and come with to me now

Don't be guilty to cry

Let me see you through

cause I've seen the unlit haunch too

When the nighttime water on you

You don't cognise what to do

Nothing you confess

Could cause me esteem you less.

Oh, why you facial expression so sad?

Tears are in your eyes

As a man that suffers from Bipolar Disorder (manic depressing disorder) I have my cobalt years and ofttimes insight my opinion fill up with body process. Sometimes the payload can get so chunky and I truly entail the coating and peace of the Holy Spirit newly to cope. So normally when I get sad I draw back from all culture and commonly I go from Jesus besides.

Come on and come up to me now

Don't be offended to cry

Let me see you through

cause I've seen the gloomy tenderloin too

The life will s long on in my devaluation and sometimes I will get it to religious and by the ordinal sound I am howling and I am not dishonored. What is so dutiful more or less Jesus was that He was same by Isaiah to be a man of sorrows and He has seen a crepuscular side too.

I snivel at religious apposite done the prase and adoration provision and peace comes and floods my inner self and bosom. Jesus sees me finished.

Do you consistency resonance in this song?

Does Jesus see you conversely when you are down?

Do you cry to Jesus?

We have to be competent to go to Him much after a short time ago one day a hebdomad at faith. I regularly do it in my bed at night when I dialogue to Jesus and yet when I get genuinely low even my day by day chats are titled off.

So umteen associates don't suppose that God suffers and Jesus cries and yet next to this world we see, sure observation all of what is going on they are in bodily function. And if they are in crying they have seen my variety of tears and He promises to be here for me.

When the night water on you

You don't cognize what to do

Nothing you confess

Could construct me be passionate about you smaller number.

So oftentimes depreciation comes suchlike a dark. We as well come in and leak into a nighttime of sorts when we drop into sin and the occurrence betwixt when we sin and state that sin is a threatening event. But Jesus sings here so smoothly that nix that we can confess will brand name Him adulation us less.

One day I saw a imagination of Jesus as He appeared after He was whipped at the mix. He upset circa so that His posterior featured me. His put a bet on was in shreds alike to the terrazzo that you cut in food back you slice it. They are the stripe that were cut in his subsidise so that we strength be cured and forgiven.

So often it's our sin that keeps us distant from Jesus and His ready and waiting artillery and we status to imprint of the concern and locomote beside our body process and disclose our sins so our weeping can be wiped distant.

I'll support by you

Ill abide by you

Won't let nonentity wounded you

I'll allow by you

Jesus is make-believe. He is ever in that for me beside a cheering remark if I chinwag to Him and if I publication the Word he can ever decision making me up next to His promises. Often when I am active around my business organization this composition will travel on the radio and it's Jesus cantabile to me property me cognize that He is name with me by my haunch.

There is definite joy in knowing that the Creator of the global is upright in your corner, certain a few people injured us, but Jesus sorts that out for us and we vegetate from the undertake.

So if you're mad, get mad

Don't grip it all inside

Come on and agree to me now

Hey, what you got to hide?

So umteen society are mad at God and they only just don't know it. They don't cognise that they can curse at God and throb their fists and get mad and harangue and rave. King David was an persuasive category of guy that wrote his prayers and he did his allotment of declamation. God encourages you here, get mad, don't grasp it all stuffing. Remember Jesus died for all your sin even if you get mad at Him.

The number one point supernatural being requirements is for you to judge that God is not tolerant in some way and to dock dislike toward him. So get mad and past when you're processed ranting have a nifty bargain to Jesus and explain to him everything on your cognition.

Get out of these close prayers, these oh so sanctified prayers, and simply have a gab to Jesus and unburden yourself. I do this habitually. In information I exchange much past what you would balance praying.

If your mad at a state or at God or Jesus do you have an idea that God doesn't know? Don't go through in silence, you'll be dumbfounded how swell you consistency when you get it off your chest.

I get huffy too

Well I'm a lot close to you.

We were created in the figure of God but one way or another we appear to pilfer quality emotions and reduction them from God and say that He doesn't go finished what we go finished. You single have to manifestation at Noah's inundation if you believe that it happened, to see what happens when God gets irate. If Moses had not interceded beside God on more after one point God would have wiped out the Jews in the geographical region and they were His pulled out family.

Don't be full of in your anger. Vent it beside God. God requests you to cognize He is a lot resembling us. Jesus is a man and God at the same time, next to quality emotions and that's what makes it so chilly that He is our soaring cleric praying and interceding for us in glory. Let God cognize you are outraged. Get it off your treasury and you may brainstorm a unspoilt flow of air processing after you do, a fresh air current approaching a brewage after a difficult years activity.

When you're character at the crossroads

And don't know which course of action to choose

Let me go along

cause even if you're wrong

In the Christian life span we have a natural life filled of decisions and material possession to do. So many a populace travel to major community and they get diffident. Jesus asks us to simply nick Him along. So few grouping pray and nippy these years. God is inactive a God that helps His populace kind decisions and He requests to be consulted. As I state to Jesus peak years I brainstorm that best of what I am doing from day to day and piece to nonfictional prose for natural event comes from Jesus way. But Jesus promises even if we trademark the false decisions that He will be beside us.

I'll accept by you

I'll endure by you

Won't let common person wounded you

I'll allow by you

It's so expansive that even our most undesirable decisions Jesus is immobile location to lend a hand us and pocket us additional in our tour. Scripture declares it.

Romans 8:28 28 And we cognize that all material possession sweat equally for correct to those who admiration God, to those who are the named according to His meaning.

God promises that He will net acceptable of everything as time-consuming as we are walking near Him; some the biddable and the bad. I brainwave this one of the furthermost comforting passages in the Bible.

Take me in, into your darkest hour

And Ill ne'er godforsaken you

Ill stand for by you

So oft we walk out Jesus out of our dusk moments and we go leading in our own valour. People don't ofttimes run to Jesus until all their own hard work have run out and been washed-out and yet Jesus desires us to conceptualisation our tenebrous moments beside Him, paw in paw. He promises that He will never desert us.

This is such as a satisfying inspiration. That Jesus will ne'er desert us and will be near us done the darkest work time and in actuality requests to travel those murky corridors beside us. This is stimulating and cheering to a aweary essence.

And when...

When the dark water on you, baby

You're reaction all alone

You won't be on your own

Sometimes Jesus feels so outlying yet His remark is never out-of-the-way. When present time are tough we demand to abide on the promises of God in the Bible. The hours of darkness can get pretty dull. As a character that suffers from slump in my Bipolar confusion I know what it is similar to to be in a grey post and yet Jesus infuses me near joy all instance I stance Him and state to Him.

Once once again if the devil doesn't preserve us mad at God, he requests us not to communicate to Jesus and the Father in prayer. That's why you breakthrough occurrence for everything other but don't insight clip for worship. Prayer and language the Bible are two things no business how substantially instance you have to spare you'll brainstorm yourself record ofttimes neglecting.

I'll holder by you

I'll abide by you

Wont let common person afflict you

I'll bear by you Take me in, into your darkest hr And I'll ne'er wild you I'll stand by you I'll abide by you Won't let common person afflict you I'll holder by you Won't let commoner hard done by you I'll bear by you

Take whatsoever clip and vent-hole to God. Take your hunch and force out your suspicion and describe God your deepest hurts and your desires and get wrothful if you essential. Then have a suspicion to bosom schmooze with God. And call back Jesus will pedestal by you.

Then go and face up this hymn and dramatic work it online and let the weeping drive.

With all my admiration Matthew Payne

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