It is an astonishing statistic that Seven out of every Ten computer users do not know what a Trojan Horse virus is or what it can actually do once it has compromised their computers.
If you are one of these Seven people then please read on because you really need to understand exactly what can happen to you,your computer and the other computers that you communicate with.
For the most part I would at least assume that your computer is Fire-walled. A decent firewall program is ultimately your first line of defense against a potential 'attack'. Without one you are literally putting yourself in the firing line without any weapons or armour to protect yourself. Effectively you are a sitting Duck!.
A Trojan is a small, a very small program 'The Back Orifice' Trojan Virus is in fact only 124Kbytes in size. The Trojan program consists of three parts and taking the example of the most advanced and the most popular of all the Trojan Horse programs,Sub 7 (Alias Back-door G) these are namely; Server.exe, EditServer.exe and sub-seven.exe. Once the sender of the Trojan has compromised his or her victims system then the fun can really begin for the 'Hacker'.
So what can our friendly or malicious hacker do to our computers once he has compromised it$%: Anything he damn well pleases is the simple honest truth. Just for starters the hacker will be informed when his victim logs on to the Internet. He will then open up one of the Three afore-mentioned files,which is his 'Client'. The Client opens up a very informative window on the hackers computer. Here he has a whole host of options open for him and at the touch of a mouse button he can either just 'open' and 'Close' your CD/DVD Tray or he can totally wipe everything from your hard drive. I guess it all depends on what type of mood he got up in that morning!. Thats how delicate a position you are in once your system is compromised.
Okay so let us assume that your computer is indeed infected with The Sub7 Trojan. What else can the attacker do. Well he can actually 'see you' through a connected camera,a picture of the current screen and an overview of what programs are currently in use. The attacker can change the screen features, windows colours, start and end programs,take over the control of your mouse and a whole host of other options. He will already have had access to all your passwords,your contacts in your address book,email addresses of all your contacts etc etc...He will know everything about you. There is also one more very important consideration to take into account, no amount of encryption, ie, those used by online Banking institutes can prevent the hacker gaining access to your Bank account. If you perform online banking then he will know what bank you are using because he can see your Window. Now he waits for you to type in your password for the site he now has that via the keylogger that is installed in the trojan and by watching what you type on your keyboard. Thirdly he awaits for you to log in to your account and 'BINGO'!, he now has your account number,sort code,credit card numbers and all of your banking details and once you log out the hacker can proceed to log into your bank account and carry out his dirty work ie steal your hard earned money.
Are you now beginning to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. The attacker can potentially not only destroy your computer, but he can quite effectively and quite easily destroy your whole life.
"Oh" and by the way, once the hacker has got control of your computer he can use your computer to launch other attacks from.He can use it for other illegal activities and should he do so then I'm afraid it is YOU! who takes the wrap. Yes thats right,you!. It is ultimately down to you, as the owner, that is solely responsible for it's safety and security. No "ifs" or "Buts" and no amount of pleading innocence or ignorance will prevent you from being prosecuted or even sent to prison! should your computer be involved in any form of illegal activity.
As with most things in life 'prevention' is better than 'cure'. Firewall your system to block all the vulnerable ports. Perform regular Virus scans with a good Anti-Virus program and always, always, scan anything and everything that you download from the Internet with this Anti-Virus program before you proceed to open it.